Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia conducted Community Service (PKM) activities at the Adiluwih Pringsewu Islamic Vocational School. This activity is a collaborative activity between the Management Study Program and the Informatics Study Program. This PKM activity was carried out 2 times, namely on 24-25 May 2022 in parallel. The PKM Lecturer team involved in this activity consisted of 3 people, namely Defia Riski Anggarini, S.E., M.Si, Larasati Ahluwalia, S.E., M.Sc from the Management Study Program, and Ahmad Ari Aldino, S.E., M.Si from the Informatics Study Program. This activity did not only involve lecturers, but also several Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia students such as Aditya, Alfiya Tri Wahyuni, and Adji Agung.
The theme of this service activity was “Strategies to increase the Competence of Adiluwih Islamic Vocational School Students to Increase Global Competition” through training and socialization on financial literacy, CV making, and the use of Big Data for decision making. These three pieces of training can support students’ knowledge and competence in the future. The head of the Adiluwih Islamic Vocational School, Abdul Latif, S.Ag, welcomed this community service activity. He also said that the school is ready to cooperate if there are similar activities in the future. This is done to improve the knowledge and competence of Adiluwih Islamic Vocational School students in the future. He also asked the students to be serious and enthusiastic in participating in each series of service activities. From these activities, good cooperation has been established between Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia and Adiluwih Islamic Vocational School. This collaboration can be in the form of placement of street vendors, lecturer service, student internships at UTI, and other collaborations.
Vice-Rector of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, Dr. H. Mahathir Muhammad, S.E., M.M. said that he was very supportive of this activity as a form of the dedication of the lecturers of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia to the community, which in this activity were Adiluwih Islamic Vocational School, students. He hopes that this activity can provide benefits in the form of additional knowledge and increase competence for students at Adiluwih Islamic Vocational School to face global competition in the future.
Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia berkomitmen untuk terus membentuk Mahasiswa menjadi sosok yang tangguh dan berilmu serta memiliki akhlak mulia.