WHO estimates that the highest cause of death due to road accidents worldwide will occur in 2020. Based on WHO data in “Youth and Road Safety” that traffic accidents are the main cause of death that mostly occurs at the age of 10-24 years. The death toll due to traffic accidents in Indonesia is always associated with an increase in the number of two-wheeled vehicles. Two-wheeled vehicles in 2013 were 83,390,073 units, increasing to 92,529,925 units in 2014. Meanwhile, the number of deaths due to traffic accidents in 2013 was 26,416 people, increasing to 28,297 people in 2014.
Safety riding is an effort made in order to minimize the level of danger and maximize safety in driving. This is done in order to create a safe condition, in which a person is not in a position that endangers other motorists. In addition, they can also be aware of possible hazards that can occur and have an understanding of prevention and mitigation. Unfortunately, information about safety riding is currently not widely known by the public, especially students.
For this reason, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia pays attention to schools, especially SMAN 1 Pagelaran students through a community service activity (PKM) carried out by lecturers and students by providing knowledge about skills in terms of road safety to school-age children. This is done as a provision for them regarding knowledge of attitudes, ethics, and traffic behavior that is polite, safe, comfortable, orderly and safe, both for themselves and for others. This knowledge is provided in the form of safety riding training and introduction of road markings (22 March 2022). The PKM activity team that provided the training were Neneng, M.Kom., Fera Lestari S.T., Rikendry, M.T., and Try Susanto, M.Cs.
The purpose of this activity is to increase knowledge related to safety riding among students, especially high school students, where at this level students may already bring their own vehicle to travel to school. The lack of knowledge about safety riding and the introduction of traffic markings and signs can lead to the potential for traffic accidents among students. With this safety riding socialization, it is hoped that students will be able to understand how to drive safely and be able to drive well.
The materials provided in this training activity are: 1) the importance of driving safely, 2) the causes of accidents, 3) the attributes of safety riding, 4) the introduction of traffic signs, and 5) the introduction of road markings. In addition to providing material, during the training, animated videos were also presented about safety riding and understanding traffic markings and signs. The training participants were very enthusiastic about participating in the training, as evidenced by the many questions asked. The training activities were more lively by giving door prizes for participants who could answer questions from the presenters.
During the opening ceremony of the training, the Principal of SMAN 1 Pagelaran, Apriana Wiguna, M.Pd. said that he was very happy and expressed his gratitude for the PKM activities carried out by the Team of Lecturers and Students of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. Through this activity, SMAN 1 Pagelaran students have knowledge of how to drive safely for themselves and not endanger other drivers. According to him, this activity had never been done before at SMAN 1 Pagelaran.
Separately, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, Dr. H., Mahathir Muhammad, S.E., M.M. said that the PKM activities of the target schools carried out by lecturers and students were routinely held every semester. “Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia really supports and facilitates PKM activities carried out by lecturers and students. With this PKM activity, it is hoped that it will be able to help solve problems that exist in schools, and can increase knowledge and provide new insights through training and mentoring,” he said.
Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia berkomitmen untuk terus membentuk Mahasiswa menjadi sosok yang tangguh dan berilmu serta memiliki akhlak mulia.